Fangyi Zhou

What the date?

A friend of mine found out something interesting with the date command in coreutils:

Are these different for you too? …

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Producing long and short versions of a paper in LaTeX

Conferences have different submission requirements for papers. Submissions are usually subject to a page limit, but …

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Neo-Classical Logic (SIGBOVIK 2022)

My colleague Martin Vassor and I worked on a paper with title Neo-Classical Logic for SIGBOVIK 20221.

You can read the …

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Meta-Programming in LaTeX

Many researchers write paper in $\LaTeX$ because it provides a convenient macro system that makes typesetting maths …

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Statically Verified Refinements for Multiparty Protocols @ OOPSLA '20

I presented my paper Statically Verified Refinements for Multiparty Protocols at OOPSLA 2020 this year, held virtually. …

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